Magento2 Blog Blog

Magento 2 get current store 0

Magento 2 get current store

This post is about how to programmatically get current store in Magento 2. If you create a PHP script or Magento 2 module, you may need to check, which store is currently active (calls this...

Magento 2 get current quote 1

Magento 2 get current quote

This shows you how to get current quote from your Magento 2 shot. This is often needed if you want manipulate a cart before creating an order from it. With a current quote object...

Magento 2 get current category 1

Magento 2 get current category

This is about how to get current category in Magento 2. Products are organized in Magento 2 and sometimes you need to know from of for which category you are executing PHP code. It...

magento 2 customize price displayment 1

Magento 2 customize price displayment

I show you how to customize price displayment for Magento 2. This is easier than in Magento 1, but you need to know  a few things before you are changing only part of price...

magento 2 change product status programmatically 2

Magento 2 change product status programmatically

This shows how to change product status programmatically in Magento 2. Sometimes you need to create scripts that mass activate or deactivate products by cron, so you need to know how to change a product...

magento 1 patch 10752 released 1

Magento 1 Patch 10752 (SUPEE-10752) released

It is patching time again, Magento released Magento 1 Patch 10752 which fixes lots of critical code insertion and cross site scripting security leaks. As always it is important to patch your live systems...

magento 2 order payment method 0

Magento 2 order get payment method

This time I show you how to get your orders payment method. Sometime this is needed if you want to do different processes for orders payed with different methods. It is also useful for...

magento-get-order-collection-by-payment-logo 2

Magento – get order collection by payment

If you are working on a Magento module to compute order data, you may have the task to get order collection by payment. This is sometimes needed to separate orders done by pre payment...