Tagged: index

Magento 2 programmatically reindex 0

Magento 2 – programmatically reindexing

In this tutorial I show you how you can manually or programmatically reindexing your shop. This is sometimes necessary if you run a full product import with all data (products, categories, customers). Especially if...

magento 2 indexer error 0

Magento 2 indexer returns “No such entity”

You may discovered a weird error message, that Magento 2 indexer returns with “No such entity“. This sometimes happens if you create a clone of your shop and some SQL indexers went wrong. The problem:...

indexer reset 2

Magento 2 – unlock reindex process

In this tutorial I show you how to unlock reindex process. You may know the following error message from reindexer: “index is locked by another reindex process“. Sometimes this happens and there is no...

Magento 2 automatically create index 2

Magento 2 automatically create index

In this tutorial I show you how to automatically create index for Magento 2. Since Magento 2 it is not more possible to create indexes from your backend. There are way to do it...