Tagged: store

Magento 2 get current store 0

Magento 2 get current store

This post is about how to programmatically get current store in Magento 2. If you create a PHP script or Magento 2 module, you may need to check, which store is currently active (calls this...

magento 2 change product status programmatically 2

Magento 2 change product status programmatically

This shows how to change product status programmatically in Magento 2. Sometimes you need to create scripts that mass activate or deactivate products by cron, so you need to know how to change a product...

magento 1 change increment id 0

Magento 1 – change increment Id

While working with Magento 1 you may want to change increment Id for your orders, invoices, credit memos or shipments. In this post I show you how to do this and what you need...

magento 2 get store information 4

Magento 2 – get store information

This tutorial shows you how to get store information in Magento 2. If you are working on a multistore, then you need to do things in various websites, stores or store views. On important...