Category: Magento 1

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Magento Patch SUPEE-11086

Ready to patch your Magento shop again? There is a new patch called SUPEE-11086 out that fixes current reported bugs and security problems. Magento Patch SUPEE-11086 Magento is now released in Version with...


Magento Patch SUPEE-10975

It is patch day again with Magento patch SUPEE-10975 with another bunch of security leaks closed. As always: it is a good idea to update your shop as soon as possible. Christmas shopping is currently...

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Magento Patch SUPEE-10888

Magento released Version and with it a patch called SUPEE-10888 for alter Magento 1 shops. As always it is a good idea to patch as soon as possible. There are currently no known...

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Magento 1 Patch 10752 (SUPEE-10752) released

It is patching time again, Magento released Magento 1 Patch 10752 which fixes lots of critical code insertion and cross site scripting security leaks. As always it is important to patch your live systems...

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Magento – get order collection by payment

If you are working on a Magento module to compute order data, you may have the task to get order collection by payment. This is sometimes needed to separate orders done by pre payment...

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Magento 1 get price after catalog price rule

This posts shows you how to get price after catalog price rule is set. Price computation is complicated in Magento 1, because there are many params and rules that influence prices. Sometimes you need...

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Magento 1 get net or gross price

Sometimes there is a lot confusion how to get net or gross price in Magento 1. In this post I give you details on how to get the correct value. Magento 1 get net...

magento admin panel invalid form key 1

Magento admin panel invalid form key

A very frustrating problem is a invalid form key error message on your admin panel login page. This is very hard to find out if you do not know adminhtml settings. Often the only...

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Magento 1 – change increment Id

While working with Magento 1 you may want to change increment Id for your orders, invoices, credit memos or shipments. In this post I show you how to do this and what you need...

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Magento 1 Patch 10570 (SUPEE-10570) released

Again, a big patch 10570 for security enhancements called SUPEE-10570 for Magento 1 was released today. This time, Magento urges you to update your installation as soon as possible. Hope you are prepared! Magento 1...