Magento 2 – Item with the same ID already exists

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2 Responses

  1. mrkkd2013 says:

    **Facing an issue (redirecting to 404 pages) while opening Product details page after data migration from 1.9 to 2.2.1**

    ## Preconditions

    1) we migrated our project from 1.9 to 2.2.1 using data migration tool.
    2) Cleared/clean the CACHE and run the INDEXING also.
    3) Catalog & Category Pages are displayed properly and products are displaying as expected in Category Page.

    ## Steps to reproduce

    1) Go to Category page and click on any displayed products.
    2) It is redirecting to 404 pages.
    5) throwing the below exceptions in “exceptions.log” file:-**

    ## Actual Result

    **- clicking on product links is redirecting to 404 pages.**
    **- Throws the below exception:-**

    [2017-12-23 12:55:42] main.CRITICAL: Item (Magento\CatalogInventory\Model\Stock\Status) with the same ID "16523" already exists. {"exception":"[object] (Exception(code: 0): Item (Magento\\CatalogInventory\\Model\\Stock\\Status) with the same ID \"16523\" already exists. at C:\\wamp64\\www\\otcdeal2\\vendor\\magento\\framework\\Data\\AbstractSearchResult.php:269)"} []
    [2017-12-23 12:59:00] main.CRITICAL: Item (Magento\CatalogInventory\Model\Stock\Status) with the same ID "153" already exists. {"exception":"[object] (Exception(code: 0): Item (Magento\\CatalogInventory\\Model\\Stock\\Status) with the same ID \"153\" already exists. at C:\\wamp64\\www\\otcdeal2\\vendor\\magento\\framework\\Data\\AbstractSearchResult.php:269)"} []

    ## Expected Result
    – clicking on products (displayed in Category Pages) should take to product details page.
    – It should not give any exception/error in the backend.

    **Can someone please help me in fixing this.**

    **Thanks in advance.**

  1. 12. July 2017

    […] Magento 2 – Item with the same ID already exists […]

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