Tagged: order

magento 2 order payment method 0

Magento 2 order get payment method

This time I show you how to get your orders payment method. Sometime this is needed if you want to do different processes for orders payed with different methods. It is also useful for...

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Magento – get order collection by payment

If you are working on a Magento module to compute order data, you may have the task to get order collection by payment. This is sometimes needed to separate orders done by pre payment...

how to use data migration tool 0

How to use data migration tool

My last post was about how to install and configure Magento 2 data migration tool. Now it is time to use it and to import data from your old shop. This post shows you...

magento 2 data migration tool 2

Magento 2 data migration tool

With the Magento 2 data migration tool it is easy to copy your Magento 1 shop data to a new Magento 2 shop. This tool is quite mighty and helps to reduce migration effort....

change magento 2 increment id 0

Change Magento 2 Increment Id

This post is about how to change Magento 2 increment id for your orders and other documents. It is quite complicated, but there are more options to customize your numbers. I show you all...

magento 1 change increment id 0

Magento 1 – change increment Id

While working with Magento 1 you may want to change increment Id for your orders, invoices, credit memos or shipments. In this post I show you how to do this and what you need...

magento 2 get order after submission 5

Magento 2 get order after submission

In this tutorial I show you how to use event sales_order_save_after to get order after submission. In this event you can tasks that are needed to be done for each new order. For example...