Magento 2 Blog on Facebook
Magento 2 Blog has now a Facebook page. Magento 2 lives from its strong community and social media is today one important tool to connect to other interested people. Because of that, I created a Facebook page for my Blog. Would be nice if each of you give me a Facebook Like or even follow my channel.
Magento 2 Blog on Facebook
If you want to get popularity and visibility in net, there are two main sources. Search engines like Google and social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter. Some of my posts are currently ranked well, so the next big step is to generate visibility on Facebook. This steps are the same, if you run a shop as manager. You can get good traffic by connecting your shop and your cms to social media. With a good marketing strategy, you can build trust in your products or generate shop orders. Depending on your presentation, you may get a constant grow in user traffic.
For me, blogs are a bit different, because there is a greater competition on keywords for shop products than for technical issues. If you are blogging about products, you may face the same problem. Everyone wants to get visibility for his opinion about a product or even visibility for a product detail page on a shop system. Sometimes click costs are far to expensive for advertisement. In such cases, social media an campaign (for example a contest) is cheaper and generates much higher traffic.
Currently, all clicks on this blog are generated by search engines. With my new Facebook page I want to test, if I can get as much clicks from social media as from web search. Is this possible? What do you think, or what are your experiences about that? Are Magento developers using Facebook?
Help me to find out how this works and if I can get some traffic from social media. If you like my articles, please give me a like, if you are a fan right now, follow me and get informed about all my coming posts. If this works, I will write a summery on how traffic was changed in some weeks. Thanks for your clicks right now, this is the best motivation to write new good articles in future.