Magento 2 – Attention something went wrong
If you are new to Magento 2, one of the first stebacks may be a “Attention something went wrong” error message in you backend. It is really hard to find out what’s wrong. The error message is not very helpful. Luckily, the solution to fix this is quite easy.
Magento 2 – Attention something went wrong
The simple solution: disable Review Module. I recently showed how to disable modules. This module creates some errors while rendering in you backend, so if you do not need reviews, simply deactivate it. A far better solution is to fix the problem. There is an open bug report for this. Some users reported, that set proper file system ownership and file permissions may also fix that issue. Important folders for this are var/generation, app/etc and pub/static which should be writable. For me this did not worked.
It is hard to learn Magento 2 if you get such meaningless error messages without any reason. There are some other similar difficulties. My task is to find such problems and post meaningful articles. So if you have any other problems or errors that are not very useful, please inform me.
I hope this article helps to fix the “Attentions something went wrong” error. If you find another fix or a better explanation why this happens, please add your comment. It will be helpful for other users.
For Magento CE 2.0.15, please check file vendor/magento/module-ui/view/base/web/js/grid/provider.js line 110 ~ 112
This error occurs due to memory limit and memory execution time, Set Max values for these extension in your server php root php.ini file
Newsletter subscription error on frontend website “something went wrong with the subscription.”. On system.log file the exception showing is :
main.CRITICAL: Exception message: Authentication failed: Could not authenticate
Trace: #0 /var/www/html/vendor/magento/framework/Interception/Interceptor.php(146): Magento\Newsletter\Model\Subscriber->subscribe(‘test@gmail…’)