Category: Magento 1

magento 1 disable cache from database 0

Magento 1 – disable cache from database

In this post I show you how to disable cache from database for Magento 1. This is sometimes necessary if all frontend and adminhtml sites are broken and returning a report or error message....

patch 10415 404 error 0

Patch 10415 404 errors

After installing patch 10415 404 errors my be displayed instead of regular sites on your Magento 1 shop. I show you all your need to know about this problem and also how you can...

magento create invoice comment programmatically 0

Magento create invoice comment programmatically

In this tutorial I show you how to create invoice comment programmatically. Sometimes it is needed to add invoice comments for invoices from you written module. Invoice comments are printed to pdf invoice, so...

magento allowed memory size of exhausted error 0

Magento allowed memory size of exhausted error

As Magento developer you may face with allowed memory size of exhausted error quite often. Magento is a system that may need a lot of memory. Sometimes you will need some hundred mega- or...

supee-9767 v2 0

Magento Patch 9767 v2

One month after first confirmed issues Patch SUPEE-9767 v2 is now out. If you need it, you first have to revert its old version. I never reverted any patch, so see how to revert...

magento email problem 0

Magento email problem solving tips

Magento email problem debugging can be very embarrassing. If you ever did a research why emails are not sent or not transmitted to customer inbox, you may know how difficult it is to find...

magento 1 set order of collection 0

Magento 1 – set order of collection

In this tutorial I show you how to set order of collection. It is sometimes quite frustrating to set order, because there are two possible methods. Depending on your collection and column you want...

magento 1 currency rate 0

Magento 1 – currency rates

A not very common task for Magento developers is to work with currency rates. I had previously my first contact with it. For a multistore shop with many different currencies it was my task...

magento get related products 0

Magento 1 – get related products

In this tutorial I show you how to get related products. Related products are very important, because with it you can increase order totals. There are other techniques like upsell or crosssell. In this...