Magento Patch 9767 v2
One month after first confirmed issues Patch SUPEE-9767 v2 is now out. If you need it, you first have to revert its old version. I never reverted any patch, so see how to revert...
A Blog about Magento e-Commerce System
One month after first confirmed issues Patch SUPEE-9767 v2 is now out. If you need it, you first have to revert its old version. I never reverted any patch, so see how to revert...
In this post, I show how to disable forced password change. This new feature should improve security on your Magento 2 online shop, but for developers it is quite frustrating to change password from...
In this post I show you how to install a theme for Magento 2. This is done with example theme Ultimo, a very flexible, modern and expendable Magento theme. A different theme may have...
Magento email problem debugging can be very embarrassing. If you ever did a research why emails are not sent or not transmitted to customer inbox, you may know how difficult it is to find...
You may discover an important message about Patch 8167 (SUPEE-8167) in your Magento adminhtml. This patch needs to be installed till june 30, because Paypal IPN will be changed. If you use Paypal standard,...
In this tutorial I show you how to unlock reindex process. You may know the following error message from reindexer: “index is locked by another reindex process“. Sometimes this happens and there is no...
It is time for a beginners tutorial on how to install Magento 2. Magento 2 comes with a pretty installer that guides you through a number of pre configuration points. I show you what...
Magento 2 Blog has now a Facebook page. Magento 2 lives from its strong community and social media is today one important tool to connect to other interested people. Because of that, I created...
For some imports it is needed to check if SKU exists. In this tutorial, I show you how to check if a given SKU is already in your system. You may run a price...
A new Magento patch 9767 called SUPEE-9767 is out. It addresses several security issues. It is important to install it as soon as possible. Some dangerous remote code execution issues are reported, one of...