Author: magemaster

magento patch 8788 0

Magento Patch 8788

With the recent Magento Patch 8788 a long wanted change was done. The Flash uploader for product images was completely replaced. Beside this new changed feature, a lot of critical and high priority security...

new soap project 3

How to use Magento SOAP API

In this tutorial I show you how to use Magento SOAP API. For this you should use a software called SoapUI, which helps to test SOAP calls. How to use Magento SOAP API All...

get all Magento StoreViews 0

Get all Magento StoreViews

I show you how to get all Magento StoreViews. In a recent project I had to create user rights for each StoreView, user were only allowed to edit CMS sites for specific Stores. In combination...

magento template path hints for admin 0

Magento template path hints for admin

In this tutorial I show you how to turn on path hints for admin sites. For Magento frontend developers it is very easy to work with Magento, because template path hints show exactly which...

Hello eCommerce World! 2

Hello eCommerce World!

Today I launch my first blog about Magento and especially Magento 2. Magento is the number one Open Source eCommerce system worldwide. The number of shops is growing and with Magento 2 the system...