Author: magemaster

Item with the same id already exists 2

Magento 2 – Item with the same ID already exists

Another error message I fixed was “Item (Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Interceptor) with the same ID already exists“. You see it in the screenshot attached to this post. The mentioned ID was a product that I manually deleted....

asymmetric transation rollback 3

Magento 2 – Asymmetric transaction rollback error

Sometimes if you save a product you may get an “Asymmetric transaction rollback error“. I had this problem multiple time for my product importer. In this article I show you some basic understanding about...

load average 0

Linux Server – load average

As Magento web shop owner or developer you my have a task to find out why your shop is slow. For this your initial thought my be to check server stats. It is most...

attention something went wrong 4

Magento 2 – Attention something went wrong

If you are new to Magento 2, one of the first stebacks may be a “Attention something went wrong” error message in you backend.  It is really hard to find out what’s wrong. The...

create drop down attribute 5

Magento 2 – get option label from drop down

A often search task is how to get option label from drop down. For beginners this may be confusing, because the actual value of a drop down product attribute is a number and not a...

magento 2 base directories 0

Magento 2 – base directories

This tutorial is about Magento 2 base directories. In my last post about Magento 1 base directories I showed you a full list of possible directories. I suggested you to always use this method...

magento 1 base directories 0

Magento 1 – base directories

With base directories, Magento offers a very simple solution to get Magento directories. If you are writing a module that should work on other Magento installations, you need to depend all files on this...

magento 2 get store information 4

Magento 2 – get store information

This tutorial shows you how to get store information in Magento 2. If you are working on a multistore, then you need to do things in various websites, stores or store views. On important...

magento 2 export categories 6

Magento 2 – export categories

Magento 2 has no export categories option in backend. It is strange, that no one has implemented this, but as developer we can do it by our own. I show you a simple script...

magento 2 speed up product save 3

Magento 2 – Speed up product save

In my last article about Magento 1 speed up product save, I showed you methods to optimize product save. My new tutorial is about the same topic, but for Magento 2. Magento 2 is...