Author: magemaster

magento phishing mails with security patch note 2

Magento phishing mails with security patch note

Today one of our customers (shop owner) received a very nearly perfect looking Magento phishing mail with security patch note. It contains an authentic text with link and an attached document. This phishing mail...

magento 1 currency rate 0

Magento 1 – currency rates

A not very common task for Magento developers is to work with currency rates. I had previously my first contact with it. For a multistore shop with many different currencies it was my task...

magento get related products 0

Magento 1 – get related products

In this tutorial I show you how to get related products. Related products are very important, because with it you can increase order totals. There are other techniques like upsell or crosssell. In this...

get billing address 0

Magento 1 – get billing address

In my previous post I showed how to get shipping address. To get billing address is nearly the same. The only difference may be the reason why you want to programmatically get it. In...

get shipping address 1

Magento 1 – get shipping address

In this tutorial I show how to get shipping address in Magento 1. There are many options and situations where you need this. You can get it from an order, a current logged in...

block ip addresses 0

Magento 1 – block ip addresses

If you have a running Magento live shop you may have to block ip addresses. This is a good option the protect you shop against attackers. In this tutorial I show you how to...

magento 2 maintenance mode 4

Magento 2 – maintenance mode

In this tutorial I show you how to use Magento 2 maintenance mode. This is useful, especially if you deploy updates on your production system. If you run a static content redeploy on multi...

.gitkeep sense and usage 0

.gitkeep sense and usage

Today I first discovered a .gitkeep file in one of our new shop gits. I didn’t know anything about .gitkeep sense and usage so I had to research for it. This is what I...